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What does a school governor do?

Governors are responsible for overseeing the management side of a school: strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing. They enable their school to run as effectively as possible, working alongside senior leaders and supporting teachers to provide excellent education to children.

Being a school governor is a commitment to attending governing body meetings which consider issues such as setting the school vision, mitigating financial risk and scrutinising educational outcomes. They are also involved in the school community, acting as critical friends to the headteacher and senior leaders.

Governors bring a wide range of skills and expertise from their professional lives to the governing board, and schools benefit greatly from working with skilled volunteers; for example, anyone with experience in finance, law, premises management or human resources.

Taken from: The Role of a School Governor – Governors for Schools (Gov.UK)

Please see details of our Governors below and further information on the links.


Barnsley, Victoria

Type: Parent

Role: Business Management Committee Chair, Health and Safety Lead Governor

Committee: Business Management Committee

Date Appointed: 21/12/22

Term of Office: 21/12/22 to 20/12/26

Elected By: Parents

Declared Interests: Parent of pupils


Brennan, Jane

Type:  Co-opted

Role:  SENDCo

Committee: Business Management Committee

Date Appointed: 26/10/21

Term of Office: 26/10/21 to 25/10/25

Elected By:  Governing Board

Declared Interests: Member of staff, printing


Brown, Beverley

Type: Governance Professional

Role:  Clerk to Governors

Date Appointed:  April 2016

Declared Interests:  Works full-time at Hastings High School, Clerk to Governors for seven schools


Buhring, Khalfan

Type: Co-opted

Role:  Training and Development Governor

Committee: Business Management Committee

Date Appointed: 28/03/23

Term of Office: 28/03/23 to 27/03/27

Elected By: Governors

Declared Interests: None


Bustin, Alexandra

Type: Parent

Role:  Wellbeing Lead Governor

Committee: Business Management Committee

Date Appointed: 03/07/24

Term of Office: 03/07/24 to 02/07/28

Elected By: Parents

Declared Interests:  Parent of pupils


Collins, Lucy

Type: Ex Officio

Role: Head Teacher

Committee:  All

Date Appointed: 04/01/22

Term of Office: 04/01/22 to 03/01/32

Declared Interests: Husband employed by school for intervention


Dewis, Nicola

Type: Staff

Role:  Deputy Head Teacher

Committee: Curriculum and Standards Committee 

Date Appointed: 11/05/23

Term of Office: 11/05/23 to 10/05/27

Elected By: Staff

Declared Interests: Member of staff


Gilbert, Debra

Type: Co-Opted

Committee: Curriculum and Standards Committee 

Date Appointed: 05/02/24

Term of Office: 05/02/24 to 04/02/28

Elected By: Staff

Declared Interests: Member of staff


Governor A

Type: Parent

Role:  Safeguarding and LAC Lead Governor

Committee: Business Management Committee

Date Appointed: 30/04/21

Term of Office: 30/04/21 to 29/04/25

Elected By: Parents

Declared Interests: Parent of pupils


Lane, Samantha

Type: Co-opted

Role: Chair of Governors, Inclusion Lead Governor (SEN/Pupil Premium and Behaviour)

Committee: Curriculum and Standards Committee

Date Appointed: 30/04/21 (Parent) and 04/07/23 (Co-opted)

Term of Office: 04/07/23 to 03/07/27

Elected By: Governing Body

Declared Interests: Employee for NEU



Reading, Jon

Type: Co-opted

Committee:  Business Management Committee

Date Appointed: 21/06/21

Term of Office: 21/06/21 to 20/06/25

Elected By: Governing Body

Declared Interests: Parent of pupils


Sheppard-Bools, Mark

Type: LA Governor

Role: Vice Chair of Governors, Curriculum and Standards Committee Chair

Committee: Curriculum and Standards Committee

Date Appointed: 30/09/19 and 30/09/23 (Confirmed for further term by LA Scrutiny Committee)

Term of Office: 30/09/23 to 29/09/27

Elected By: Governing Body

Declared Interests: Liberal Democrat Borough Councillor, parent of pupil